How CypherChat is Protecting Your Right to Privacy and Expression for Online Communications?

Privacy, which is fairly an indispensable and essential part of our everyday online communication, is currently at risk on the internet.

How CypherChat is Protecting Your Right to Privacy and Expression for Online Communications?
Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash

Privacy, which is fairly an indispensable and essential part of our everyday online communication, is currently at risk on the internet.

What’s more, malicious methods are being used to track smartphones and get hold of sensitive data. One such real-life scenario is the extensive usage of NSO Group Spyware that poses a direct threat to the free expression of writers and journalists such as Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Khadija Ismayilova of Azerbaijan. In these vulnerable times, we rarely find a communication tool that puts the privacy of their users and their right to expression as a top priority. However, that is going to change for you all with the introduction of CypherChat!

What is CypherChat?

CypherChat is a secure messaging platform that encodes all the communication from end to end, making all the information available just to the sender and receiver. You can sign up on CypherChat for under 30 seconds without sharing any personal details and access the secure communication platform.

CypherChat records no metadata about your contacts or messages, so it’s practically difficult to deduce anything about your communication based on your usage of the application — making it a more secure messaging application than traditional chat apps.

How Does CypherChat Keep Your Privacy & Freedom to Expression Intact?

You can use the application to send end-to-end encrypted messages which include messages, pictures, videos, documents, audio, and video calling. To put it simply, this holds third-party services and even CypherChat itself back from accessing the content of your communication, making it a go-to choice for people who are looking for a messaging application with firm privacy and security protocols.

The following steps will walk you through the process from A-Z, making it evident how CypherChat protects your freedom of expression.

1. You sign up on CypherChat without sharing any sensitive personal information i.e. name, email, phone number, etc. This eliminates the chances of any identity breach.

2. Simply create a chat room by entering a username and the name of the chat room.

3. Choose the privacy level from Low to High. This will decide the nature of your chat room.

4. Then, you need to generate a secure session key that will only be known to you until you share it with someone else.

5. You can invite anyone you like to join your chat room by simply clicking “Invite User”.

6. Finally, enjoy end-to-end encrypted communication within a secure environment.


Data Security
When you use CypherChat to send end-to-end encrypted messages, all chats, including their message and any files or media, are encoded as the information goes between devices. Encryption converts data into random text. The inexplicable text can only be decoded with a secret key which just you have the access to.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Communication Model
CypherChat utilizes a Peer-to-peer (P2P) communication model in which each party has similar abilities and either one can start a meeting/chat. This model allows our users an anonymized way of communicating. As opposed to traditional communication tools, no devices in our P2P network are assigned solely to serve or to receive personal information.

The greatest differentiator among CypherChat and other messaging platforms is who runs the application. CypherChat claims to have no monetary motivations to share its users’ personal data. It doesn’t collect any personal information that can be connected back to your identity and result in a data breach.


While the encryption in CypherChat is not something out of the box, the application actually has privacy benefits over other messaging applications. It records no information about its users or the chats occurring inside the application.

This contrasts with other applications — as WhatsApp — to give some examples, which frequently store a critical amount of metadata, for example, who you talked to and time logs of when those chats happened. So, in case the privacy is your main concern, CypherChat is the one you should be looking for because our objectives are aligned with yours. And that’s: Your privacy is our top priority!

We are currently in beta and looking for early adopters to make privacy a norm for online communication.